Saturday, August 30, 2014

Blog Post 2

What will teaching be like in the 21st century?

1. Professor Dancealot

Upon watching the video, the message seemed to be very clear. The professor can teach the class how to do the dance moves, but without allowing them to do it for themselves they will never learn. The material was not presented in a way that the students can actually learn how to dance. There was no hands on approach allowed. The author is brilliant in the way that he makes his point in this video. He's showing us all that anyone can get in front of a class and teach, but there is a right and wrong way of doing so. He clearly shows us the wrong way of teaching because in the end the student can't demonstrate what they have learned. The conclusion that the author reached is exactly what I thought would happen. The students could not dance to past the test. Therefor, I do agree with his concept because it's basically showing us that is has to be more of the students learning for themselves so they can actually retain the information.

2. Teaching in the 21st Century

Kevin Roberts, the author of teaching in the 21st century, believes that teaching will be different for the teachers in the twenty first because of all of the technology that is available to the students. He believes that there will still be a need for teachers, but the teacher will have to challenge themselves to find ways to keep the students engaged not entertained. Teachers are not the main source that students use anymore because of so many different online options.
I. What does it mean to teach
A. If students teach themselves than why teachers
B. Changes in the classrooms

II. Students have limitless information
A. Blogs
B. Facebook
C. Wikipedia
D. Google

III. Teacher are not the main source of knowledge
A. Have students be shown by anyone how to use the resources
B. How can students be taught to handle these resources
C. How do students learn how to validate, synthesize, collaborate, and communicate

IV. Should information be focused on facts, content, or skills
A. Where does bloom taxonomy fit in the classroom
B. Creation in the classroom

IV. Professionalism
A. Integrity
B. Responsibility

VI. Problem solving
A. Entertainment
B. Engagement

I feel as if Roberts' projections are correct. We are already getting a glimpse of what he's talking about today. It's required in a lot of classes to use technology quite a bit. There are also some strictly online courses offered now as well. We are seeing students use more computers in the classroom at a younger age. I will be affected by the the new way of teaching in the classroom by the way that it's made so easy for students to access information. I would be challenged to come up with creative ways of teaching to make the students be engaged while they are learning. Roberts' state, "Entertaining is passive and engaging is active". That would be my tasks in the upcoming future.
to teach is to touch a life forever

3. The Networked Student

This video by Wendy Drexler is keeping the same theme of the question why do we need teachers in the twenty first century? As seen in the video, the student is able to do a lot of things for himself through all the technology available to him. There are, of course, some things that can only be learned through the help of the teacher.
The student can't teach himself how to communicate with others to better his future. He would not be able to do most of what he did if it were not for the teacher showing him the way. She helped him learn to organize, evaluate, and construct all of his work for him even to began to be successful. The video proves that it is impossible for there to be a world with teachers.
never stop being a good teacher

4. Harness your students" digital smarts

This video by Vicki Davis is demonstrating how her students are learning in the classroom with using computers as their primary source of learning. She has a good argument that this style of teaching is appealing to all her students. I found it to be quite intelligent considering the fact that students are using technology that will help them succeed in the future. Most of the jobs that will be available in the future will require you to have good knowledge of how to work on a computer. Everything is moving to technology based learning and working.

5. Who's ahead in the learning race?

I'm definitely led to believe that the students in John Strange's video are the ones that are ahead in the race. Although they are only third graders, they are learning skills that many undergrad and grad students don't have the knowledge to do. The best part about it is for the third graders is that the are just beginning the lives and they are exposed to all this wonderful technology.

6. Flipping the classroom

Flipping the classroom is all new to me. I have never heard of or imagined that this type of learning was taking place outside of the classroom. I think that the program can be useful for teachers as far as the time that it takes for a student to learn how to do something new. It would take the students less time to learn it in the class and that would benefit everyone as far as the progression rate in the classroom.

7. Bringing the locker room into the classroom

I could definitely use the students working together to teach each other to understand the material being taught in the classroom. As most teachers think, being a teacher consist of just the teacher teaching and the students listening. This passage shows us that teaching can be different and fun for the students. It provides for better understanding when the students can collaborate with each other to learn rather than just through the teacher.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Blog Post 1

What about EDM310?

1. Edm310 is the most talked about class in my field of study. That alone scares me and others. Some of the things that I have heard about EDM310 is that the class is extremely hard and the teacher really don't care about the students. Other comments include teaching yourself and having to work for hours to complete assignments. I do get some positive feedback such as the class was very helpful when it came to projects in other classes. Also, EDM310 teaches you to learn how to complete projects for your self so that you will know for the future.
2. I fear that EDM310 will expose the fact that I only have basic computer skills. Also, I fear that I may not be able to keep up with the extensive technology that the class uses. In the back off my mind I'm always afraid of being a failure like so many people are each semester in this class.
3. Compared to other courses that I have taken at South Alabama and my previous classes at other colleges, EDM310 makes them appear really simple. On the positive side, EDM310 will teach and give me the skills that can not compare to any class I'v ever taken. Also, this class is not the typical class. You learn form a hands on approach versus other classes where the teacher just walks you though the material.
4.The most difficult part of EDM310 for me will be spending all time getting the work prepared to submit. I do feel like the deadline can be slight setback if I don't stay on top of the work load. It's going to be a challenge just learning things that I have never dared to learn before.
5.For me, the best way to address the most difficult aspects of EDM310 is to stay focused on my goals in life. I need to remember to keep an open mind to learning new things and advancing. Also, getting a handle on the inner lazy that we all struggle with would help me succeed in this class.
6.I would like know what is the best strategic move to getting an "A" in this class? How do others make it out with good grades and some do not? I'm sure that it takes a lot of hard work and dedication and that's how I know I can make the grade that I desire.
Practice Blog


I. All about me
A. Where I live and grew up
B. Famiy
C. Education Major
D. Why South Alabama

II. Why become an educator
A. Childhood memories of being a teacher
B. High school confirmation about major
C. Giving back to the students

III. What educators do in their practice
A. Teaching
B. Mentoring
C. Creating

IV. My passions
A. God and family
B. Creation of beautiful artwork
C. Helping others learn

V. Other facts about me
A. Work details
B. Fire department

Hi everyone, my name is Shira Bell. I was born and raised in the city of Mobile, Alabama. I have never live anywhere else but, at the same time, I'm not opposed to the idea. I have a lovey daughter who is four years old. Also, am one of seven sibling and I fall directly in the center with three older siblings and three younger. Life growing up was always interesting and exciting with a such large family. There was never a dull moment. The most amazing part about it is that I am the only one of my six siblings that is currently deciding to further my education. By completing my degree, I would be the first in my family to receive a college degree higher than an associates.
Becoming a teacher is the reason that I am at the University Of South Alabama. My degree is Secondary education in language arts. Upon graduating from Satsuma High school, I went straight on to Faulkner State Community college and completed my associates degree. After graduating from there, I was in the process of transferring to South when I found out that I was going to have my daughter. I decided to take a year off which ending up being almost five years. Now, I'v been back in school at South for one year and I plan to complete my goal of graduating and becoming an educator.
I would like to be an educator because before I knew that I wanted be an educator, I was educating. As a child, I would always play school with my brothers and sisters and I always wanted to be the teacher. If I could not be the teacher, I would not play. So, to keep me happy, they would always let be the teacher. Later on, in high school, I had an awesome english teacher that just confirmed for me that teaching was the path for me. The students need great teachers that really care about their success as a person. I would be the one giving them their confidence to be whatever they put their minds to.
An educators work in the 21st century is in many ways the same concept it has always been just with technology added. It consist of being an outstanding teacher. You are not just teaching you're mentoring also. Teacher should help with creativity of the students minds.
My passions are very simple with God and family being first on my list. I love spending quality time at church and also with my family for Sunday dinners. Art work is a gift form God that I love to do in my spare time. No, this artwork was not done by me, but it's a perfect example of my passion.
Photo by:
I have been told that I talk too much but I just like helping other understand and see things from different points of views.
Just some other fun things about me is that I work part time as a shoes salesperson at Dillard's.I was also was on, and loved very much, the volunteer fire department for three years.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

My Test Post Title

This is my first post.I clicked the HTML bottom which I should always do in EDM310. I am now a Blogger!