Sunday, August 24, 2014

Blog Post 1

What about EDM310?

1. Edm310 is the most talked about class in my field of study. That alone scares me and others. Some of the things that I have heard about EDM310 is that the class is extremely hard and the teacher really don't care about the students. Other comments include teaching yourself and having to work for hours to complete assignments. I do get some positive feedback such as the class was very helpful when it came to projects in other classes. Also, EDM310 teaches you to learn how to complete projects for your self so that you will know for the future.
2. I fear that EDM310 will expose the fact that I only have basic computer skills. Also, I fear that I may not be able to keep up with the extensive technology that the class uses. In the back off my mind I'm always afraid of being a failure like so many people are each semester in this class.
3. Compared to other courses that I have taken at South Alabama and my previous classes at other colleges, EDM310 makes them appear really simple. On the positive side, EDM310 will teach and give me the skills that can not compare to any class I'v ever taken. Also, this class is not the typical class. You learn form a hands on approach versus other classes where the teacher just walks you though the material.
4.The most difficult part of EDM310 for me will be spending all time getting the work prepared to submit. I do feel like the deadline can be slight setback if I don't stay on top of the work load. It's going to be a challenge just learning things that I have never dared to learn before.
5.For me, the best way to address the most difficult aspects of EDM310 is to stay focused on my goals in life. I need to remember to keep an open mind to learning new things and advancing. Also, getting a handle on the inner lazy that we all struggle with would help me succeed in this class.
6.I would like know what is the best strategic move to getting an "A" in this class? How do others make it out with good grades and some do not? I'm sure that it takes a lot of hard work and dedication and that's how I know I can make the grade that I desire.


  1. Staying on top of my work is going to be the hardest thing for me to I think, but once I start getting into the habit of posting every week I think it'll be easier. A good bit of my classes this semester have a lot of writing assignments as well so I just hope I don't get writers block!

  2. Myself and the other lab assistants are here to help! If you ever have any questions or concerns be sure to contact us immediately. Good post!
